Talent Management

Green Ocean Shipping strives to create value by effectively managing the members of the company under the philosophy that "the company is a person and the growth of the company is done through people."

The 21st century is a time of infinite competition of knowledge and creativity.
Creative ideas create big profits for the company so effective motivation for a company's members can contribute significantly to the satisfaction of the members as well as the interests of the company.

In the 21st century, the importance of talent is becoming more and more emphasized in the digital revolution, Internet revolution and e-business revolution.

Green Ocean Shipping believes that talent management is not only a value for its members but also a driving force for maximizing corporate value and for continuous growth.

Knowledge Management

Green Ocean Shipping carries out management activities based on the know-how and creativity accumulated through the management philosophy of knowledge management.

First, we focus on core strategies to improve the competitiveness of our organization and conduct business activities and innovation activities.

Second, we operate a on-line knowledge management system to promote knowledge and culture through learning and debate

Third, we are actively responding to internal and external knowledge resources such as public and private institutions by linking internal knowledge resources.
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